I've cooked my way through all 264 recipes
in The New Mediterranean Diet Cookbook!

November 17, 2010

Coulis de Tomates (p. 269)

Have you ever made your own ketchup? That's basically what this is, and it's a little bit amazing.

And easy, to boot. You basically just sauté tomatoes down into a jammy sauce and then run them through the food mill. Put your leftovers in a pan with sauteed onions (very finely chopped), whole garlic cloves, salt, pepper, and whatever herbs you want (I used rosemary sprigs, a bay leaf, and dried thyme.) Let this simmer for about an hour.

Then just run it through the food processor and use it anywhere you'd use ketchup!

We ate this with french fries and it was amazing. Who doesn't love fancy condiments? We'll definitely make this again.

CSA tomatoes -- $3.67
rosemary -- $2.99 (plenty left)
Total Cost of Coulis de Tomates: $6.66


  1. this recipe sounds amaizing!... thanks for sharing.

  2. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. I'm quite happy to discover yours. I shall return, cup of coffee in hand, to check it out further. In the meantime, as a library trustee, I tip my hat to you, a librarian!!


  3. This sounds divine. I've always wanted to know how to make my own ketchup. Thanks.


Thanks for dropping by! Love, Katrina.